Functional description:
The Water-Oil-Trap is used as a protection of gas analysers from liquids (Water, acid, alkali, liquid hydrocarbons)and particles. A bypass connection is integrated.
The Water-Oil-Trap is installed directly in front of the gas analyser in the tubing. If the upstream gas processing (cooler, peristaltic pump, dust filter and the like) fails, the Water-Oil-Trap uses its semi-permeable membrane with SUN-C Dual Membrane System® to protect the gas analyser. The membrane separates gases from condensate and extra fine dust. The Water-Oil-Trap is designed as a bypass filter. The main gas flow can be discharged again via the bypass; a partial current (1:2 to 1:20) will be provided to the analyser. This results in quick response times of the analyser. Condensate carried along is also discharged via the bypass. The aligned incoming flow of the membrane has another additional self-cleaning effect. An alarm is indicated via the upstream variable area flowmeter with monitoring (customer side).
The Water-Oil-Trap is also known as a “Police filter”.